Dev Journal

ge/mini log

20220201-pf2OpenBSD PF Router => OpenBSD PF Router Build => Home Router Build => Ars Linux Router Build => Router7 Build §1 /Networking Used the guide exactly to set hostname.
20220202-vger2Gemini, the Middle Child Between Mercury and Apollo Here is the short list of articles that helped us configure: => Gemini server configuration on OpenBSD => Vger Gemini server => OpenBSD and Let’s Encrypt
20220501-isv5TLS InsecureSkipVerify => VerifyConnection => TLS Steps => Solderpunk Demo3 => SSL/TLS §1 /Certificates Let’s Encrypt is a tremendous life saver. It eliminated the mystery and wall around certificates.
20220502-iihk4SSH InsecureIgnoreHostKey => SSH Host Key => TLS Steps => SSH §1 /TOFU Among our tasks was how to mimic the way SSH negotiates the first connection to a remote.
20221029-vncviewer2VNC Viewer => Encryption AlwaysOff => FreeBSD New => FreeBSD Maintenance §1 /Xorg For the vncviewer, run X11 on FreeBSD visudo sudo freebsd-update fetch install sudo pkg update sudo pkg upgrade sudo pkg install drm-kmod sudo pkg install xorg sudo pkg install dwm sudo echo 'kld_list="i915kms"' >> /etc/rc.
20221130-upspin3Upspin => Upspin Project => Google Provider Intro §1 /Remember Start at the server page to get familiar, jog memory => Upspin Server Keep in mind we’ll skip around because we actually have our registration from years ago when we did our first test drive.
20221207-tunnel2Cloudflare Tunnel => Install cloudflared => Honk Manual §1 /Cloudflared For FreeBSD, the makefile has the line indicating how to build cloudflared: git clone --depth=1 https://github.